Healing Spell Kit

Healing Spell Kit
Magical spell kits for that "Witch in all of us," hand crafted and blessed by Salem’s Famous Love Witch, and sold exclusively at Crow Haven Corner.
This healing spell was crafted by Lorelei as she prepared to go for a major operation.
This spell includes:
An Amethyst charged with healing energies by the Love Witch Lorelei. Amethyst is known as the ‘Stone of Recovery’ and was believed since Roman times to clear weary heads and bring peace. Today this stone is still associated with serenity.
Chamomile, which has been used since Ancient Egyptian times for healing illness. Throughout the cultures of the Ancient Romans, The Vikings, Ancient Greece, this herb was known to have healing power. Mothers, Gardeners, and Tea Drinkers alike still know this herb to restore health and vitality.
Lavender for relaxation and calming energies, as you cannot heal if you are stressed.
And Peppermint, which can also be dated back to use in Ancient Egypt as it has been found inside the pyramids! Peppermint increases your energy and vibrations, and is associated with restoring health to the body.
Blessed be!